Tuesday, April 17, 2012


A lot of my pictures from the trip seem to be a bit over exposed. I don't know if it was me doing something wrong (?) or if my camera is finally on its way out. Anyway, I haven't edited these at all. If I waited to post until I edited, you'd never see the pictures. :)

The Colosseum  in Rome is so big it's hard to describe. Here's the first view we got almost right out of the subway station.

This was covered by a wooden stage (partway rebuilt you'll see below). They used an elaborate pully system from these corridors to bring people/animals/scenery on and off the stage depending on the show going on.

Michael's Ezio moment.

And the postcard shot.


Don said...

So jealous! Those are some gorgeous shots.

Anonymous said...

awsm clicks...!

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