Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Sometimes lifeseems like the Truman Show

I drive Lily to preschool Wednesdays and Fridays.

We got in the car, then Lily made me turn on the TMBG NO! cd. Which normally would be fine. It's probably my favorite kids album we have. If you are a They Might Be Giants fan, I highly recommend it. But anything gets old if you've been listening to it for a week straight every time you get in the car.

We drive down the street and here's what I see every time I drive her to school. Oh, there are the kids waiting for the school bus. Turn the corner and there's my two neighbors out for their morning walk. Out of the neighborhood, there's the woman walking her two ginormous dogs. Further down, the other woman who walks down this street even though it doesn't have a sidewalk the whole way.

It just struck me when I was driving that I could be like Truman in the scene where he points out that he knows exactly when a yellow car is going to drive by. "My neighbors are going to walk around that corner,!"

Still haven't heard about the job. I don't know if I should call or just wait.


Emily said...


Anonymous said...

Ha, that's like me on the train. If some of the "regulars" are missing I start freaking out---"Am I late? Am I on the wrong train? DOES THIS EVEN GO TO SALT LAKE???"

Mom told me about the job. Seems like kismet to me. I think it wouldn't hurt to call just to follow up...

Jennifer said...

That is so funny. I love that show.